Tag Archives: Solitude

Be More With Less

Actually, having embarked on the start of a journey in minimising my things this year, I can really vouch for this.

Of all the things I have given or disposed of since January, not a single item has been sought after, not a single thing missed.

Instead I feel less cluttered, free to do what I’ve always been wanting to do – create more. More art, more music, more me-time.

And having less things around me has actually helped me do more of that.

And the journey continues 🙂


It’s Only Temporary

Does transience render all things meaningless?

I sometimes ask myself that.

But that would be the fatalist way to live, and I’m not inclined to think that way either.

So I make a choice.

I choose to see change and impermanence as pre-requisites for growth, for discovery, for connection. For meaning. Far from meaningless.

And because there are days and moments when it may be harder to remember this choice, to remember that impermanence is not cruel but can be beautiful, that change is not overwhelming but can be growth-inducing –  that’s when writing posts like these help.

Taiwan 2018 ~ Of Cats and Hidden Lanes

One of the joys of travelling, and especially travelling solo, is being open to unexpected changes to your plans.

I met a cat in a stationery shop.

I looked for “Hidden Lane Cafe” and ended up in a different “Hidden Lane”, but still enjoyed my time exploring the area nonetheless, and ended up getting a nice gift for a friend at one of the nearby shops.

It all works out. Eventually.