Tag Archives: Museum

Primevera 2015

With a start, I realise we are in the second last month of the year.

Be in the moment.

Be in the moment.

Be in the moment.

One way to be in the moment, to go back to ourselves, to examine how we look at the world as an extension of our inner landscape, is to Look at Art.


Australian War Memorial – Canberra


View of Parliament from the memorial. Looks deserted but crowds were teeming behind us.

I must say I do a pretty good job of cutting crowds out from my pictures.

Walking along this corridor, from a speaker came a simple pure voice reading out names of the people listed on the boards, and their ages. Listening to how young some of them were when they went off to war was just heartbreaking.


White Rabbit Gallery: State of Play

As always, we had a very good tour of the exhibit with the passionate guide who took us around and explained the art beautifully. We were also fortunate enough to have him all to ourselves, and felt comfortable and free in asking questions.

As I look at the pictures of each work of art again, their stories flash through my mind. They become the foundation for the reminder of why we need art.

Even if it may not pay the bills, even if it may not eradicate world suffering, even if it may not right all the wrongs in the world – we need art to validate, to make sense of, to grapple with the burden which is life and existence. And that was what I felt, on the way back from the White Rabbit Gallery that day.

Looking forward to their second exhibit of the year 🙂